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The second dimension is routine. Routines lead to materialisation not only of our physical bodies but all 3rd Dimensional possessions. Once you have decided your roots you focus on building routines that manifest your ideas.

Most basic routines focus on health and with it bring us wealth. 


Some of the easiest mistakes to correct are:



Generally, a deep slow abdominal breath through the nose is recommended. This form of breathing is keeping you in a relaxed state. No cure is possible if you inhale through the mouth.

If you receive patients, send them home if you notice shallow mouth breathing. Let them breathe 2 weeks correctly and see them later on.


In the morning you will want to activate your energy by reverse abdominal breathing. 

With Reverse abdominal breathing you consciously activate the perineum, lower abdomen and upper abdomen, in other words, the first to third dimensions, which represent the earthly manifestations.

It is yet incomplete, 7 Dimensional breathing is only thought from person to person.


Break Fast. Means to break your fast. People generally eat 16 hours a day. There is no time for the cells to regenerate. Bringing your eating window down from 16 hours to 12, 10 and later on 8 will increase your body power and health. Drink green tea or coffee to still your hunger. Fast from 20.00 o'clock to 12.00 o'clock.

Eat with the sun. In summer carbs and fruit grow, you can eat them if you are out in the sun. In winter you send wrong signals by eating them. Be conscious!

DHA is vital in newborns and adults. Through the eye it transforms sunlight into direct current and vitalizes the body.

Eat fish and fatty gras fed meat cutts.


Every day starts with light. This truth is widely ignored by humanity, the knowledge about it is pathetic.

Morning light resets our SCN, brain clock through the eyes. Which signals all organ clocks! It is idiotic! To wear sunglasses. The first cases of cancer in africa startet occuring after the west introduced them to sunglasses.


Morning light regenerates cells and helps us produce energy. See every sunrise and sunset naked, to cure chronic disease. Use infrared/NIR lights in the morning if you are generally healthy and can not see the sunrise. In the evening use red lights or fire only, as soon as the sun sets. Blue light, via melanopsin will offset your SCN and thus body clocks and lead to melatonin suppression, bad sleep, bad health.

Vitamin D and Melatonin are the number one antioxidants. Never supplement! Adapt your lifestyle! In summer you need to be in the sun and build vitamin D through your skin. When your shadow is smaller then your body height you build vitamin D, through UV B light. Never use sunscreen. Be conscious of your body! Sunburn is a warning signal that you are getting to much sun exposure, sunscreen will stop that signal, that is why Skin cancer cases are rising since implementation of sunscreen. People stay in the sun longer than they should.


I winter you need to sleep longer and be in the dark after sunset else melatonin will be suppressed. If you suppress melatonin your immune system will be weakened. The sun behaves different in winter than in summer. SO SHOULD YOU!

If you are chronically ill, depressed or infertile take 3 weeks vacation and focus on building a routine on the above mentioned topics.

It is very basic.


All the previous steps will improve your sleep quality. Keep your bedroom dark, sleep without a cushion for good body posture. Awake with light, but the right one. Dismiss all LED's and alternative currents.

Cold Thermogenesis

If you sleep well, you automatically are more resilient against cold. This is because your mitochondria is empowered. They generate the heat in our body and have the responsability to keep the body temperature stable. 

Use cold water in summer (bath in the ocean) and less clothes in winter to improve their performance.


Pro tip: Light morning exercise during the sunrise with few clothes on while there is morning dew (on a field).


You will produce more energy by systematically exposing your body to cold. If you leave a room and instantly feel cold. Your mitochondria are trashed. Be attentive, 95% of illnesses can be traced back to damaged mitochondria.



Mitochondria produce ATP, but also our molecular water. This water is low in deuterium. Around 90 PPM. 

The water we drink from bottles are around 145 PPM. Deuterium is heavy and destroys the nanomotors of mitochondria that turn at a speed of 9000 turns per minute. The water we used to drink from fountains was also 90 PPM. Drink less water, your body procuces a lot of it itself. If sickness is advanced, you can find low deuterium water as low as 5 PPM.



This is natural. Movement is important, but correcting breath, food intake and sun exposure, raises your energylevel and will automatically make you move more. Increase your strength by using high intensity exercises. Use practices where all 7 dimensions are focused like yoga or martial arts.


Do everything, at the same time, everyday.

Create a perfect schedule for you. The weekends must look the same as the weekdays or your body will be jetlagged.

Your endocrine system must be in tact.

A good routine could look like this:


Wake up 5.30-6.30

See the sunrise as naked as possible, do reverse abdominal breaths, journal your thoughts, take a bath in the ocean, stretch and exercise lightly. Drink tea or black coffee not before 1 hour after waking up.

If you are unable to see the sunrise use, NIR/IR red light when the sun would rise. If health conditions are already bad, change your environment where you can get natural light as much as possible.


Use the rest of the morning to your wishes, be productive to nuture your 2nd dimension.

Eat at 12.00 o'clock.

Get 20-30 minutes of sun exposure to build vitamin D.

At 13.10 o'clock, powernap for 20 minutes


Use the afternoon to your likings.

Be productive!

From 17.00 to 19.00 o'clock do hard exercises. Cold shower or cold bath after the exercises are essential


At around 20 o'clock eat lunch, watch the sunset. Go to bed with the sun if you can. 


If you don't go to bed enjoy the evening close to a fire or put on blue light blockers.


Sleep at 22.00. 

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